Student careers advice

World of Work Entry Level 3 Unit N15 Effective communication for work
This unit includes
Be able to communicate appropriately for the workplace
1.1 Communicate information appropriately for the workplace.
Be able to choose a method of communication
2.1 Choose an appropriate communication method for a given purpose.
Know how to use communication to support the work of others
3.1 Share information with others using an appropriate method of communication
Know how to follow instructions
4.1 Follow a given set of instructions accurately

OCR World of Work Entry Level 3 N12 Health and safety procedures at work
This whole complete unit includes the following
Understand what procedures are necessary to maintain health and
safety at work
This is the broken down much further to get the unit points needed
Know how to respond to an accident or emergency at work
This is the broken down much further to get the unit points needed

OCR World of work Entry Level 3 N16 Preparation for work
This unit of work includes everything you need to pass the unit Entry Level 3 N16 Preparation for work
It includes
Understand the skills and qualities needed for working life.
1.1 Describe some personal skills and qualities which employees need.
1.2 Identify how your own skills and qualities compared with the skills and qualities employees need.
1.3 Can you identify some areas for development? These could be some skills and qualities that you
want to learn so you can get the job you want.
Investigate personal career opportunities
2.1 Find out about 3 potential job roles which interest you.
2.2 Which of these jobs would be ideal for you and why.
2.3 Complete the example job application form

Unit 28 - Entry Level 2 - Being a customer
This resource contains everything you would need in order to teach the Being a customer Unit 28 module of the working skills SEN course